Wednesday, March 30, 2011

8 months old

I can't believe this sweet boy is 8 months old already. I want to freeze him in time!! He is growing before my eyes and I'm trying to enjoy every.single.second. I couldn't imagine a happier baby than Charlie. Always smiling, giggling, squealing, and now saying "DaDa" That's right, he said his first words and yes, it was "dada." Although, really I think it was more like "gagagaga," but it's hard to tell. This boy is getting busier and busier by the day! When I try and hold him while sitting down, he is squirming to get out of my arms. He's all over the floor, (not crawling yet) but that's a good thing in my opinion, because I have a feeling that once he starts my life is going to be quite different! His sweet little face lights up when he sees either of his sisters. I can't begin to describe how much they love their little brother. They can't stand it when he cries trying everything to make him better and most of the time they do. It is amazing all that they do for him. He knows it too. They entertain him all the time, feed him bottles, get diapers, toys and anything else you could think of. He is a blessed little boy to have such loving sisters.

 Those big blue eyes are irresistible!

That smile is contagious...

And that laugh is to die for!!!

Lets face it-You are so lovable and squeezable!!!

Charlie, your family loves you more than you could possibly imagine. You bring so much joy to us sweet boy! Happy 8 months!

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