Wednesday, April 20, 2011

Attack of the hair

We all know that Charlie has a ton of hair, often times people call him Justin Beiber. Ha Ha...I think they think that I actually style his hair like Justin's, but it's just the way it grows-EVERYWHERE!! I love it and have not wanted to cut it but I know it is in desperate need of one! When it starts obstructing his view, he needs a haircut! I had to post some pictures of one night out of the bath tub when it was crazy!

So the next time you see my sweet boy, he may have a hair cut and if he hasn't, make me go get one! :)

1 comment:

  1. That's the cutest crazy hair I've ever seen! I know you hate to cut it, but you'll fall in love with his new 'big boy' haircut too! He's precious!
