Sunday, November 27, 2011

16 months old

Wow, I can’t believe that my baby is now 16 months old! He is such a fun, energetic, and mischievous little fella’! He LOVES to climb everything and he has even learned that if he puts something close to the table, he can stand on it to get on the table. He loves his ball more than anything. Loves to throw it for as long as you will! He plays with his two sweet sisters and it is the most precious thing to watch. Although he loves them, he also loves to pull their hair and slap at them (in the face). They are still so patient with him. (most of the time)

His favorite song: The wheels on the Bus

His favorite food: He loves almost everything, but he especially loves “MM’s” (M&M’s)

His favorite toy: his ball

His stats at the doctor this month were: weight: 24.5 lbs (50 %), length: 32 1/4 in (75%)

His doctor asked if he said at least 5 words and I said he says at least 15. His vocabulary seems to be increasing daily. He is a talker! Here is a list of the words he says.

Mama, Da Da, Nana (Hannah), SaSa (Sallie), GiGi (for his favorite-Jenny) PaPa, Pappy, Ball (ba), Juice, Shoes, Baby, Snack (Nak), Cracker, Socks, Choo-choo, Bubble, Bye Bye, No, Nite-nite, Hat, Hot, Elmo, and “This.”

I couldn’t figure out why he kept saying “this” for so many different things and then it hit me. When I think he wants something, I always say, “do you want this” so to him, everything is “this.” I guess I need to start identifying everything by its name. SmileThis boy will getting a haircut soon whether he likes it or not. (Every time we take him to get a hair cut he screams, cries and fights as hard as he can.)

We love you sweet boy!





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